Friday, July 2, 2010

If I Should Die Before I Wake

What do you dream of?

Did you know that there is a an entire branch of study dedicated to dreams? Try going through the wikipedia page; it's called oneirology, and it's exhaustive. There is just theory after theory after theory, all trying to figure out why we dream of skydiving, old flames, work, lust, fantasy and even murder. To name a few.

Some say dreams have meanings. They point you to what you're really feeling but afraid to admit to. I'm not so sure.

If it were me, I would ask you - what's the last thing you think of before you sleep?

No, not that conscious thought. Not the "oh tomorrow I have to do this and this...". Not the "what a shite day today was...".

That last flicker of thought. The final neuron flare that occurs just before you leave the world of consciousness. That dying ember of realisation as you fall into oblivion.

Try it out tonight. Let me know what you find out.

Because for me, that final wakeful thought is much more terrifying than any imagined dream.

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